Parish Structure


What is the purpose of the Commissions?  The purpose of the Commissions is to define a structure for accountability and mission.


Commission - Helps to set policy and review ministries/program.

Ministries - The work done by the one who ministers.

Who will lead the Commissions?  Members of the Vestry will be liaison to each commission and chairpersons will be appointed by the Rector as is needed. Chairpersons for each commission will be asked to serve for a minimum of three (3) years but no longer than (5) years to give stability to each commission. If a chairperson is not fulfilling his/her role as expected, the Rector in collaboration with the vestry will appoint a willing and qualified soul. The basic qualification for leadership is the Baptismal Covenant.


Feedback - Vestry liaisons/Chairpersons are to report back to the vestry on activities of each commission.

Why?  To ensure regular and timely information to the vestry and to have as many vestry members as possible engaged in the total leadership of the parish.


Process of implementation:

1)         Review and total buy-in from vestry

2)         Presentation to Parish at Annual parish meeting

3)         Commission Chairpersons to invite parishioners to serve on their commission, including heads of

            ministries or their representatives.

4)         Parishioners to sign up to participate in ministries of their passion. Bible Formation is a ministry for ALL.

5)         Existing ministries to re-evaluate mission to be in concert with the Church's mission.


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