Community Garden
We thank God for the insight of one of our youth leaders who gave the spark to start the garden at St. Simon of Cyrene where corn, carrots, okra, tomatoes ,potatoes (three varieties) collards, zucchini, yellow crooked-neck squash, green beans, onions, cucumbers, mustard, turnips, beets, eggplant, swiss chard, cantaloupe and watermelons grow abundantly.
Our overall goals are:
To become good stewards of the earth-to build community through gardening and have fun while doing this gardening. The birds and squirrels feast at the splendid table of sunflowers. The deer did their nibbling from time to time and don't forget the rabbits. There was enough planted for the woodchuck (ground hog) who found its way into Mr. Joe's peanut butter trap. It was lying there playing dead; of course, it was driven by the need to find and eat enough food to gain the weight (fat) to sustain it through winter hibernation.
What is a garden without pests? Mr. Joe remembered some remedies used by his mother in Arkansas to combat garden pest. My favorite is using wood ashes for the cabbage moth. The ashes did the trick.
The raised bed of herbs seasoned many dishes of meat and vegetables for the harvesters. The fall planting took place in August and September. Those cool weather crops are up and ready for harvest. The greens-mustards, turnips and lettuce are bountiful. Peanuts and sweet potatoes are not quite ready.
The team of St. Simon of Cyrene gardeners are eight (8) people who worked together diligently tilling the soil, raking, planting, watering, weeding and harvesting.
God had given us the opportunity to feed the parishioners and community. Recipes shared, planning, fellowship, laughter, idea sharing, problem solving and respect for the land are the mainstay. The garden work gave us some exercise. If one is hoeing, digging, tilling, bending, stooping and walking, more stretching and moving is necessary to keep fit to do the gardening. The additional benefit is offered on Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 am, led by Major Batton. On Friday there is line dancing at 6:00 pm led by Joyce Mobley.
Nutrition is ongoing at St. Simon; healthy and nutritious coffee hours are served here every Sunday-thanks to the Parish Health Ministry under the leadership of Joe Dorris.
We thank Closing the Health Gap for equipment, materials and leadership that leads the way to better health.
Volunteers and future participants can call the church office at 771-4828.
A quote from Joe Dorris, "The main thing is to have fun while helping others."
Written by,
Pearl Jordan